Analysis of process-induced defects on steered-fiber panels for aeronautical applications
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Currently, the use of Automated Fiber Placement technology allows, large composite aircraft components to be manufactured with high quality materials and introduce new laminate concepts. Among such concepts are the tow-steered panels with curved fibers improved the structural efficiency by means variable stiffness and loading redistribution. However, despite these advantages, conventional laminates with straight fiber architectures are still preferred by designers. The main reason that limits the use of variable stiffness laminates is the incomplete knowledge of the effect of process-induced defects and the response to damage and structural failure mechanisms. The work presented in this thesis focuses on analyzing this influence. A methodology for modeling numerical simulation, which takes into account the manufacturing constraints, has been developed. This pre-processing tool enables unconventional laminates to be delineated and allows for progressive damage. In addition, experimental tests have been carried out to study the effects on the mechanical response of manufacturing defects due to tow-drops
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