La responsabilidad patrimonial de la Administración pública urbanística

Lleal Grau, Mariona
Texto Completo
The PhD thesis analyzes the town planning liability of Public Authority, based on section 35 of the Royal Decree – Act 2/2008, of 20th June, regulating the Land Act. The research focuses on the key new aspects introduced by the current Act. Firstly, the change in the regulations concerning land and town planning, or the change of the act or transaction in the awarding of implementation planning. Secondly, the liability related with administrative titles, which allows for works and activities to be undertaken. In that last aspect, the investigation goes beyond the traditional analysis of planning permission, by studying other figures. After examining the legislation, the scientific and jurisprudential doctrine, this thesis attempts to give answers and solutions to individuals. Finally, it studies the sections within the UK common law system. The analysis of this comparative law allows us to develop proposals that can be incorporated into our legal system ​
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