Explaining the invasive success of the eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki): the role of temperature
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The eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) is one of the most widely distributed and invasive inland fish. It is known that it has not been established in northern Europe or upstream of rivers, where the temperature is too low for survival and reproduction. This thesis examines how temperature affects the competitive ability and life history traits of mosquitofish. We sampled mosquitofish along latitudinal gradients and along rivers and we found that mosquitofish in more favorable environments (i.e. low latitudes and downstream river reaches) had a higher reproductive effort and lower body condition but these patterns of variation were weak and dependent on fish age. We also carried out an experiment which showed that as the temperature rises mosquitofish increases its competitive ability for resources and its aggressive behavior towards Aphanius iberus, an endangered Iberian endemism. Our results imply that climate change will favor the invasive success of mosquitofish and will increase its impact on native fish
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