Structure and hydrogen dynamic behavior in proton sponge cations and organometallic complexes

Horbatenko, Yevhen
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This thesis focuses on the study of hydrogen dynamic behavior in a series of proton sponge cations as well as in bis(silyl)hydride organometallic complexes. To understand the dynamic behavior, a new tool, i.e. the three-dimensional vibrational Schrödinger equation has been derived and solved. Three different vibrational patterns for hydrogen motion have been revealed. The classification of proton sponges and bis(silyl)hydride complexes into those with localized and delocalized hydrogen behavior has been proposed. For the organometallic complexes the influence of the vibrational motion of the hydrogen on J(Si−H) spin−spin coupling constants has been studied. Also this thesis presents a study of [Cp*Co(SiR3)2(H)2] cobalt complexes and their iridium analogues to detect possible Si···H interactions. Based on molecular geometries, Wiberg bond indices, and J(Si–H) spin-spin coupling constants, at least two residual Si···H interactions have been detected in cobalt complexes while there are only rudimentary Si···H interactions in the case of iridium complexes ​
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