Herramientas de evaluación del nivel de competència mediàtica en la enseñanza obligatòria en España = Assessment tools media competition level in Compulsory Education in Spain

Contreras-Pulido, Paloma
Palanco Salguero, Antonio
To the level of media competence of citizenship becomes essential in today’s society of information. Therefore, since 2010, a national R&D has been promoted, among other groups, aims to evaluate the media literacy in compulsory education in Spain, both students and teachers. The content has been defined based on the six dimensions developed by Ferrés (2007) to evaluate the level of audiovisual skills of citizens. The goal which is pursued should be trying to promote the inclusion of audiovisual skills in programs related with media training to acquire basic audiovisual and digital skills. To evaluate it, we have designed five questionnaires: one for children, one for primary students, a third one for high school students and the fourth one to specific teachers. All tools are designed to be implemented on-line and to each of them. Also it has built up a tracking platform in real time. Note that due to the different characteristics between the groups sometimes, groups to which the questionnaires have to be applied; these are designed keeping in mind those findings. Both content and design, each of the issues raised in the questionnaire have been developed according to these premises ​
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