La família homoparental en la ficció televisiva: les practiques narratives del Brasil i d’ Espanya com a relats de les noves representacions afectivo-amoroses = Homoparental family on televisión fiction: Narrative practices in Brasil and Spain as stories of the new representations affective-loving

Mesquita, Aline Martins
Ferré Pavia, Carme
This paper discusses the treatment of the homoparental family on television fiction in Brazil and Spain. Interdisciplinary is evident among family, society and fiction productions. The research focuses on an analysis of the family homoparental on television productions “Hospital Central” (Spain) and “Páginas da Vida” (Brazil). Through a content textual analysis, the attributes of each family are elucidated. In total, 228 sequences were selected from both works, with a pre-selection of 197 chapters and about 10.000 minutes assisted. The results confirm the representation articulated between desire and tradition in relationships and the tendency of the television production to avoid the homosexual stereotype, breaking the hetero-normative contract. The study also confirms the potential television has as a tool that unites the affective-loving new representations of couples. Despite the different sociolegal context, a balance concerned to screen presence of the characters is detected. The emancipatory narrative practice of the Spanish series and the deeper treatment os a homosexual couple is different to the Brazilian soap opera. The later one shows a restricted approach-loving and affectionate father-son. The research provides a historical and contextualized social work and offers elements for a new fields of study: the homoparental family on television ​
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