Mixed models and point processes

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The main objective of this Thesis is to model the occurrence of wildfires and, in particular, knowing the factors with more influence, to evaluate how they are distributed in space and time. The Thesis presents three major goals. Firstly it has been analysed if data follows a particular pattern or behaves randomly. Secondly, because of fire distribution is variable in time, a model which includes the temporal component is used. Finally, it has been analysed those fires that burn areas greater than a given extension of hectares (50ha, 100ha or 150ha); even though they represent a small percentage of all fires, they signify a high percentage of the area burned and cause important environmental damage. The results presented may contribute to the prevention and management of wildfires. In addition, the methodology used in this work can be useful to determine those factors that help any fire to become a big wildfire ​
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