Atlas-based segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions in magnetic resonance imaging
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This thesis deals with the segmentation of brain magnetic resonance imaging applied to multiple sclerosis patients. This disease is characterised by the presence of white matter lesions in this image modality. After a thorough analysis of the state-of-the-art on this topic, pointing out the importance of prior knowledge, and a subsequent review of atlas-based segmentation of brain imaging, we propose two different multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation pipelines based on the conclusions of these studies. The first one provides an initial tissue classification using a modified expectation-maximisation algorithm, which is later on refined with a lesion segmentation step based on thresholding and a regionwise false positive reduction approach. The second one focuses only on the segmentation of lesions and uses an ensemble classifier alongside a rich feature pool including image intensities, probabilistic atlas maps, an outlier map and contextual information. Both approaches are tested against a novel database comprising imaging data from three different hospitals with a variable lesion load per case. The evaluation, carried out in a quantitative and qualitative manner, includes a comparison and uses several metrics for detection and segmentation. The analysis of the results points out a better performance relative to state-of-the-art approaches, with a clear improvement on the first pipeline in terms of detection, and a clear improvement on the second pipeline in terms of segmentation
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