Els visitants infantils dels museus gironins en el marc d'una visita familiar i no organitzada
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The present research try to analyze the objectively patterns of visitor behavior focused on 5 and 12 years old kids, which visited the museums of the city of Girona in a non organized tour. We combined different methodologies for the data collection: survey, non participant direct observation and symbolic language from offered and self-administered written response. As a result, we know how children interact with museum materials, how they make relations with the different group members, how they use supplementary materials to do the visit, what itinerary they do, how they visit the rooms, what kind of texts they read, in which Units of Attention they provide more interest, what colors attract the most, what effects in their behavior can have the lighting, the noise and the temperature, what are their preferences, and in general, which are the profiles of families who visit the museums of Girona.
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