El paper de l'alimentació en el benestar subjectiu dels nens i nenes de cinquè i sisè de primària

Vaqué Crusellas, Cristina
Texto Completo
The aim of this research is to know the relationship between children’s evaluations on their subjective well-being and food. We used an exploratory and multiple-method cross-sectional study with students from the last years of primary school. The first phase of the study has focused on the quantitative analysis of the data obtained through 371 questionnaires applied to students aged 10 to 12 of 18 in the Osona region. These data were triangulated with qualitative information obtained from 16 semi-structured group interviews conducted at 6 schools with a total of 112 children. The work done has allowed us to study children’s well-being without using models applied on adults, and to identify the relationship and influence that children have attributed to food on their well-being. The results obtained open the door to further studies taking into account both issues, and identify indicators related to nutrition that may contribute to explain children’s well-being. ​
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