Customers' loyalty and its antecedents and perception of ISO 9001 in online banking

Petnji Yaya, Luc Honoré
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This thesis investigates whether ISO 9001 certification by banks affects customers’ perceptions of e-service quality and recovery (and hence customer satisfaction, value and loyalty) in online banking services. In pursuit of this objective this thesis holistically undertake a comprehensive review of the current state of the E-S-QUAL scale including methodology used, suggestions, and limitations associated with the adoption of the scale. Thereafter, this thesis proposed and applied scales to measure service quality and service recovery in the setting of electronic banking (e-banking). At that juncture, the thesis further developed and empirically tested a model and different sub-models that considers perceived online service quality and online service recovery as antecedents to online satisfaction and value to investigate factors that might influence customer satisfaction, value and loyalty and the possible mediating/moderating effects of customer satisfaction and value on the relationship between service quality, recovery and customer loyalty. Findings are discussed and management implications presented. ​
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