Descripció i quantificació de la microbiota intestinal associada al càncer colorectal

Texto Completo
Colorectal Cancer is the main type of cancer in Spain. Up to 90% of the cases are sporadic in nature and its aetiology is still unclear. It is supposed to be a multi-factorial disease, where factors play an important role in the tumor onset and development, like microbiota. The main goal of this study was to describe and quantify the bacterial community of the intestinal mucosa associated to colorectal cancer patients. This work has revealed the existence of a bacterial dysbiosis in colorectal cancer patients, which is in agreement with previous research. Specific phylotypes previously descrived using stool samples and also new phylotypes were associated with this disease.Furthermore, streptococcal populations have been studied and also a case report from a patient who present an infection caused by E. faecalis at the same time of CRC diagnosed. Future research should focus on specific aspects of intestinal microbiota such as its interaction with the host, together with the mechanisms by which bacteria can affect on the onset of tumor in the colon. ​
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