Compositional hypotheses of subcompositional stability and specific perturbation change and their testing
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The allometry of non-employment. What can compositional data analysis tell us about labour market performance across the UK's regions?
Obj. de conferencia
Validation of order rank scales based on compositional data analysis: a proposal
Obj. de conferencia
The agreement between ipsative and normative questionnaires using compositional data analysis techniques
Obj. de conferencia
Alternative ways to estimate change points in multinomial sequences. An application to an authorship attribution problem
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On the use of principal components in contemporany population genetics: a case study
Obj. de conferencia
Compositional ideas in the bayesian analysis of categorical data with application to dose finding clinical trials
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Refinement criteria for global illumination using convex funcions
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A compositional statistical analysis of capital stock
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Exploration of geological variability and possible processes through the use of compositional data analysis: an example using scottish metamorphosed
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New insights on river water chemistry by using non-centred simplicial principal component analysis: a case study
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Compositional data analysis of archaeological glass: problems and possible solutions
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Major-elements trends in cenozoic volcanites of Hungary
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Compositional data analysis in archaeometry
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Compositional data analysis with R
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Monitoring procedures in environmental geochemistry and compositional data analysis theory
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A Factor analysis of hidrochemical composition of Llobregat river basin
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Kriging coordinates: what does that mean?
Obj. de conferencia
Compositional data analysis: where we are and where should we be heading?
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Statistical modeling on coordinates
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Modelling structural zeros in compositional data
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Markov chain montecarlo method applied to rounding zeros of compositional data: first approach
Obj. de conferencia
When a data set can be considered compositional?
Obj. de conferencia