Estructura poblacional y demografía genética en poblaciones de trucha común (Salmo trutta) del Pirineo catalán

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In the present study an amplification and genotyping system for 9 microsatellite loci has been developed and used to genotype brown trout (Salmo trutta) individuals. This system has allowed, on one hand, to efficiently analyze the brown trout population structure from Catalan Pyrenees basins and, on the other, to describe their genetic demography. The complexity of evolutionary processes occurred in the area and the different scale of space-time in which they took place make difficult to draw a general pattern relating structure and genetic demography of brown trout populations in the Catalan Pyrenees. However, results fit with the population structure suggested for the Mediterranean brown trout populations, which consist of small interconnected demes forming metapopulations. In the studied Pyrenean basins, the reproductive strategy and the connectivity between demes mitigate the genetic drift expected from the estimated effective population sizes. ​
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