Metalls de transició en la formació d'enllaços carboni-carboni: cicloaddicions [2+2+2] catalitzades per Rh(I) i acoblaments creuats catalitzats per Pd(0) i Ni(0)
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Carbon-carbon bond formation reactions catalyzed by transition metals represent one of the most versatile and efficient strategies in organic synthesis. The catalytic transformations contribute to the development of methodologies that are more environmentally benign and with high atomic economy. Despite the progress in this field in recent years, the development of new and more efficient strategies of synthesis continues to be one of the main challenges of organic chemistry. In the present PhD thesis the Rh(I)-catalyzed [2+2+2] cycloaddition reaction of different macrocyclic and acyclic substrates containing double and/or triple bond in their structure are studied. On the other hand, Matsuda-Heck reactions and Suzuki-Miyaura cross-couplings using diazonium salts as electrophiles under Pd(II) catalysis with mild reaction conditions and a totally aqueous medium have been studied. Palladium-catalyzed carbon-carbon bonds a good alternative both in terms of cost and activity is the use of nickel catalysts. Finally, new Ni(0) complexes with macrocyclic and open-chain ligands containing double and triple bonds have been synthesized and completely characterized. Their activity in Suzuki cross-coupling reactions is then studied.
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