La importància de la vinculació educativa com a prevenció de la delinqüència juvenil

Matamales Arribas, Reyes
Access to educational systems is one of the main elements contributing to risk or protective factors in a precarious and dual society such as the one we live in. According to the scientific literature, the analysis of educational paths and their connection with juvenile delinquency is fundamental. This study explores the existing relationship between educational processes and the criminal paths of adolescents with legal problems. Our approach is based on the following hypotheses: a) educational failure is related to a situation of vulnerability and prior exclusion from family units, as has been demonstrated in numerous studies, b) the greater the failure in school and the distance from educational authorities, the greater the probability of future criminal behaviour, and c) preventing juvenile delinquency requires that action be taken in educational settings. This research has been developed using quantitative and qualitative techniques that complement each other. Its original contribution is the creation of three types of criminal paths, which are associated with categories of the adolescents’ educational situations. The main result is that the educational paths are associated with the criminal paths of adolescents, which means that educational settings must include the prevention of and intervention in juvenile delinquency ​
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