Learning through mentoring. Mentors as bearers of a model of learning for an integrated society
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Every year, about ninety university students go
through Malmö University’s mentoring programme
The Nightingale. As a mentor, the student meets with
a child from an elementary school in a deprived area
of the city for eight months. This article is based on
my master’s thesis in educational science, in which I
examined the learning among the mentors. The study
focuses on learning from two different perspectives:
first, what type of learning takes place; and second,
the actual knowledge the mentors are developing. In
order to analyze my results, I have used theories of
learning, social exclusion, societal inclusion and intercultural competence. Both quantitative and qualitative methods have been used. I interviewed twenty
four mentors and conducted a survey of all sixty eight
mentors in The Nightingale Mentoring Programme
in 2008/2009. My results suggest that there is extensive learning in the programme. Mentors develop
knowledge about children’s living conditions, social
exclusion and social inclusion. Furthermore, they develop intercultural skills that are necessary to decrease
the boundaries between exclusion and inclusion
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