Rendiment acadèmic, qualitat de l'ocupació i valoració de la formació universitària dels graduats en psicologia
Texto Completo
This study addresses the relationship between the academic performance of graduates in
psychology, their professional status and the quality of their jobs three years after being
awarded their university degree, as well as their evaluation of the competence-based education
received at university. Data from 274 graduates who finished their courses in 2004 at one of the
four Catalan public universities with a degree in Psychology are analyzed, statistical data and
analysis of the six individual cases with the highest academic grades. Results show no
differences in job quality in terms of graduates’ grades for those in qualified positions, but there
are significant differences for graduates who perform unqualified jobs. Also, statistically
significant differences were found in the evaluation of the education received at university
between high and low academic-achievers. The individual analysis of work-placement paths of
the highest achievers showed a wide variability in their occupational outcomes, although they all
had achieved a graduate-level employment and, in five cases, the graduates’ specific job duties
were related to their undergraduate studies