L’ensenyament del concepte piagetià de conservació: una experiència docent

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The present work is aimed at reporting an educational experience about the conservation of the substance and the cognitive theories of Jean Piaget & Lev S. Vygotsky. This activity was carried out with 1st course students in the practical classes of the subject called Psicologia de l’educació i del desenvolupament en l’edat escolar, within the Teacher Training studies of the University of Girona. This experience was inspired by a proposal of González, Fuentes, de la Morena and Barajas (1995), in which the students have to analyse, using the solid and liquid conservation tasks created by Piaget and his colleagues from the Genevan School, the transition from the preoperational to the operational thought in infants aged from 4 to 8. This proposal has been adapted in order to analyse not only the infants’ level of cognitive development but also what they can learn with the help of another person. Consequently, the students have chosen, administered and evaluated the support given to the children. Additionally, the different strategies used by the students in order to promote the infants’ comprehension of the conservation have been studied and classified, which has allowed the reflection about other possible methods to teach and to show how to teach this concept ​
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