El Rol de la Gran Presa del Renaixement Etíop en la diplomàcia hidropolítica del Nil
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The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is the largest gravity dam in Africa. This immense infrastructure, located on
the Blue Nile, has massive storage capacity and can produce hydroelectric power on a large scale in one of the
continent's most needy regions.
The construction of this dam, however, has generated an escalation of tension between the Ethiopian government
and the Egyptian and Sudanese authorities because the three countries depend on Nile water to maintain economic
development and social peace. After multiple failed attempts to negotiate an agreed solution to the concerns that the
project has raised, it has become evident that there is a possibility of a water conflict breaking out in the future.
This study aims to describe the geopolitical impact of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the regional
relations of the Nile basin and on the control of the water resources of the Nile River. The methodology used to
carry out this work has been the bibliographic review of academic articles
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