La prueba pericial científica en manchas de sangre: una reflexión sobre su aplicación en el proceso español. Sesgos y recomendaciones
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Scientific expert report, which is essential for decision-making, is characterized by being rigorous and objective and by being able to collect information of interest on issues outside of legal knowledge. Despite its procedural relevance, not all disciplines have the same development, and errors may occur in the preparation and evaluation of reports of those that are less in demand and, therefore, less supported by doctrine. It occurs with bloodstain pattern analysis; hardly expanded in practice even though its enormous value for the reconstruction of the facts. Through this arti-cle, its situation in Spain will be studied and presented, analyzing jurisprudence and regulations regarding both its content and the training required for its experts. With this, well-founded recom-mendations can be provided that facilitate the development of these expert reports in a guaranteed manner, by minimizing the obstacles and limitations observed