El "Sermón de la grandeza y muchedumbre de las misericordias de Dios nuestro Señor" de Erasmo (Sevilla, [Gaspar Zapata], 1544) y su significado en la Sevilla de los años 40

Rabaey, Hélène
English title. The Sermón de la grandeza y muchedumbre de las misericordias de Dios nuestro Señor by Erasmus (Seville, [Gaspar Zapata], 1544) and its meaning in Seville during the 40’s. In this article, we focus on the Castilian translation of De immensa dei misericordia concio by Erasmus, and in particular on the edition attributed to Gaspar Zapata, printed in Sevilla in 1544. From a study of the textual, paratextual, and typographical elements that make up this edition, we consider that we are in front of an attempt to promote a heterodox reading of Erasmus’ work ​
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