Nuevos datos para la historia textual de la poesía áurea española: tres manuscritos en el fondo "Brancacciano" de la Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli (noticia y textos)

Molinaro, Antonietta
English Title. New Documents for the Textual History of Spanish Golden Age Poetry:Three Manuscripts in the Brancacciano Collection of the Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli (News and Texts)This work aims to offer for the first time a complete account of the three manuscripts with spanish golden poetry preserved in the Brancacciano Collection of the Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli: mss. II A 12, V A 16 and VI B 19. For each of them a synthetic material description and an annotated list of the compositions that have been copied are provided, with a focus on the poems by authors of the canon (Góngora, Villamediana; Liñán de Riaza; Acuña; Espinel; Castillejo; etc.) and the poems with exclusive attestation ​
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