Antonia de Cabañas en su oratorio, solitaria y de todos conocida
English Title. Antonia de Cabañas, Lonely and Known to All.
This article on the hagiography of the New Granada blessed Antonia de Cabañas, written by her confessor Diego Solano, deals with two themes. The first is to show how this life is part of the tradition of the biographies of saints and blesseds from Spain and Europe that circulated since the Middle Ages. Written with baroque language and the intentions of preaching, Solano builds a model character that teaches how a Catholicwoman of the xvii Century must live and places Tunja and the New World on the map of faith and devotion. The second, to show that Antonia, in choosing to be blessed and,therefore, to lead a pious life outside a religious order, created a singular space in which she developed her own spirituality and subjectivity