Exploring the role of sustainability training in food waste reduction: insights from Budapest’s high-end hotels using a mixed method approach
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This study focuses on the prevalence, effectiveness, and barriers of sustainability training programs aimed at reducing food waste in 4-, 5-, and specific 3-star hotels in Budapest, Hungary. The primary objective is to understand how widespread these training programs are within the targeted hotels in the capital of Hungary, Budapest, and to evaluate their impact on food waste management, employee retention, and financial performance. Using triangulation research method, a mixed methods approach,
the research includes a structured questionnaire distributed to hotel managers, a semi-structured interview with a hotel deputy manager, and a thorough literature review and secondary data analysis.
Results indicate that sustainability training programs focusing on food waste are not widely implemented across the sampled hotels. The primary challenges identified are financial constraints, lack of interest, and insufficient resources and time. Chain-affiliated hotels show a stronger commitment to sustainability training than independent hotels. The study concludes that despite the potential benefits, sustainability training is not widely prioritized, underscoring the need for greater investment and support to improve
sustainable practices in the hospitality industry
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