Analysis of OTA Impact on Hotel Reservations: Case study: Bogotá = Análisis del impacto de las OTA en las reservas de los hoteles: caso de estudio: Bogotá
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The purpose is to analyze the impact of online travel agencies (ota) reservations on the probability of making reservations on the hotel website. For this purpose, from Janu-ary 26 to February 26, 2016, the reservations made at 10 hotels located in Bogota (Colom-bia) of the ghl Hotel Chain were analyzed through the official website of the hotel and ota. It was found that 6,8% of reservations are made through the hotel websites, while ota groups make up 93,2% of the book-ings. was the ota where the biggest number of reservations were made, with 55,3%, followed by, with 29,1%. The present research is the first in Latin America to analyze the reservations made through ota's and to compare them with those received by the hotel website. Likewise, it analyzes, the percentage and number of reservations by different ota's, allowing to gain insight into the interests of the guests at the time of booking
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