Economic Financial Health of the Wine Sector in Time of Financial Crisis: Catalonia, La Rioja and Languedoc-Roussillon

The wine cluster has an outstanding presence in the food industry and in this study of three zones of winery tradition: Catalonia, La Rioja and Languedoc-Roussillon, where an economic financial analysis and the correspondent comparative in the difficult period of the 2008-2013 crisis is the intended focus. To make a comparative of the analysis of the economic and financial situation of these wine companies in the period 2008-2013, the main financial indicators were compared using the appropriate descriptive statistics for the three companies studied. The crisis period analysed is a period of changes in the financial economic health of wine companies due to the effects of innovation, internationalization and crisis in the three zones. In general, being large companies, in this period, the exporting tradition favours its economic financial health, and, despite being mostly family businesses, they are companies with differentials in products and processes ​
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