Un diari (espiritual) de joventut de mossèn Josep M. Marquès i Planagumà (1960-1962) (II)

Bohigas, Jordi
Vila, Pep
Pi, Elara
The article continues with the edition of the second part of the youth diary that was written between 1958 and 1962 by the Catalan ecclesiastic and historian Josep Maria Marquès Planagumà (1939-2007). The pages extend from 1960 to the middle of 1962 and reflect not only the personality of its author but the lifestyle of a Catalan seminarian who, in addition, was a servant of the bishop, that is, he performed domestic services and lived in the Episcopal Palace. This time also coincides with the years before the start of the Second Vatican Council (1962) and the priestly ordination of its author (1963) ​
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