El fortí de la ciutat (1653-1814)
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The construction of the City fort followed the same construction pattern as those of the main fortresses of Girona (Montjuïc and Conestable). Thus, we find two fortines of fascine between 1653 and 1675, although the latter was transformed into stone. The fortress was not completed until 1693 with the construction of the parapet. The basic function of the city fort was to ensure communication between the urban enclosure and the Fort of the Constable, which was the main defense of Pedreres mountain. The military role of the city’s fort was generally discreet, not only because of its small size, but because it was located in a relatively protected place. In this sense, it only had some prominence in the last moments of the second siege that Girona suffered during the French War (December 1809)
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