Estudi de la malaltia ateroscleròtica subclínica en pacients amb diabetis tipus 1 de la regió sanitària de Girona

Sojo Vega, Lidia
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ENG- Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death and illness in people with type 1 diabetes (T1D). However, the traditional prediction models for cardiovascular events, which are based on common risk factors, do not apply to this specific population. Subclinical atherosclerosis is defined as the presence of plaques in the arteries that have not yet caused any symptoms. In this study, using carotid and femoral ultrasound, 43% of a cohort of T1D patients from Girona were found to have subclinical atherosclerosis, a prevalence very similar to that observed in other parts of Catalonia. The clinical factors that predict a higher likelihood of subclinical atherosclerosis in T1D patients, according to our study, include: male sex, kidney disease (nephropathy), being a smoker or former smoker, poor glucose control (measured by HbA1c), older age, and longer duration of diabetes. During a follow-up period of about 71 months (±26 months), patients with carotid and/or femoral subclinical atherosclerosis were 25 times more likely to suffer a fatal or non-fatal cardiovascular event (such as a stroke or heart attack) compared to those without subclinical atherosclerosis. Additionally, the probability of dying from any cause was 7 times higher in patients with subclinical atherosclerosis compared to those without. These results highlight the importance of diagnosing subclinical atherosclerosis in individuals with T1D, as it indicates a very high cardiovascular risk and an increased likelihood of mortality ​
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