Development and application of new strategies to facilitate informed consumers' food choices

Giró-Candanedo, Mar
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ENG- Food selection and consumption play a fundamental role in the health and well-being of the population. Various studies have shown that people make many food choices every day, and selecting conscious and healthy options can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases. Food choices are influenced by several factors, such as personal factors (sociocultural, physiological, and psychological aspects of the population), product factors (such as intrinsic and extrinsic at- tributes of food products), or environmental factors in which the purchase of these food products takes place (such as the social or physical context). Investigating the dynamics of food prefer- ence from these three perspectives can help develop strategies to assist consumers in making informed food choices that align with their dietary needs. The main objective of this doctoral Thesis was to explore, from different perspectives, new strategies for consumers and the food industry to promote more conscious and informed food choices according to people’s needs and preferences. To tackle the main objective, various studies were conducted from a personal perspective (knowledge, attitude and personal beliefs), product perspective (nutrition characteristics of the food product, nutrition claims, and labelling), and situational/environmental perspective (physical context). In the first study, personal characteristics that influence consumers’ food choices were explored. Nutritional knowledge, perceptions, and understanding of nutrition label information were evaluated, as well as the reasons for reading or not reading nutrition labels, among others. The results obtained were considered as a starting point for developing new strategies to provide consumer with more and better information about food products. Additionally, the results were used to understand consumer behaviours, needs, and preferences regarding food nutrition la- belling. Subsequent studies focused on developing various strategies to provide consumers with more and better information about food products. In this sense, several studies were conducted from the product perspective. In two studies, the nutrition composition was characterized using non-destructive technologies to obtain a precise nutrition labelling and verify “salt-reduced” and “low salt” nutrition claims. The results demonstrate to the industry that there are tools available to standardize the production process and obtain verified and accurate labelling. In another study, the utility of different devices, some specifically designed for consumers, was evaluated to verify the preservation method of fish (fresh or frozen using different systems). The results of this study show that there are tools that can help us understand the composition and quality of food, as well as increase transparency and prevent fraud in the food chain. In a last study, new food nutrition labelling systems were developed, actively involving the end user, which demonstrated that they could convey the nutrition information of food products in a more effective and understandable way to the consumer. Finally, a joint validation of some of the strategies developed in this doctor- al Thesis was carried out, considering the perspective of the shopping environment. The results obtained show that the techniques used for the design of the different nutrition systems seem to be particularly useful to improve the understanding of the food labels. Furthermore, the use of reconstructed spaces for the joint validation of the different developed strategies provided results with greater ecological validity ​
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