Crisis global y ruralidad impacto en emprendedoras jóvenes muy cualificadas

The article analyzes the impact of the pandemic on the rural entrepreneurship of highly qualified young women, outstanding in the current socioeconomic transformation of their territories. Their experience is significant because they constitute enormous potential for recapitalization processes in rural areas. The analysis is carried out from an intersectional perspective, taking the axes of gender, class and age, and using a qualitative methodology through in-depth interviews. The results show how the entrepreneurs extend the sustainability values that they defend in their projects towards their relationship with work, care and affection. Their class position gives them a social capital that enables them to resist oppression based on gender and age in the professional sphere. However, this position does not liberate them from the role in social reproduction. Through these particular experiences, we reflect on the capacity for resistance and resilience of people and rural territories in situations that can become ordinary in our lives ​
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