Turismo y monasterios europeos: productos gastronómicos en las comunidades monásticas que siguen la regla benedictina

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ENG- The monasteries and their gastronomic products have a historical and innate link, these sacred centers have preserved the art of monastic cuisine through the centuries, making products in an artisanal and traditional way with local raw materials. The doctoral thesis "Tourism and European Monasteries: Gastronomic Products in Monastic Communities which practice the Benedictine Rule", studies and analyzes how this relationship between monasteries and the elaboration of these products is currently found and how they are linked to tourism. The study focuses specifically on monasteries that follow the Benedictine rule and produce gastronomic products. As a thesis by a compendium of articles, each of the three publications provides a complementary vision of how this relationship materializes today. This research is developed in 3 chapters: the first chapter comprises the theoretical framework, the objectives, and the methodology. In the theoretical framework, the academic literature that is related to the areas linked to the research is detailed: monasteries, Benedictine rule, heritage, and gastronomic products. The main objective and the specific objectives are presented in the objectives. The main objective is to analyze the elaboration of monastic gastronomic products and their link with tourism. In the specific objectives, the monasteries that continue to produce products are selected, these gastronomic products are identified to examine their tourism potential, and how tourism is promoted from the abbeys and government tourist offices is analyzed. The methodology of this study is based on the triangulation of data, different methods were used to collect information from the 3 publications, such as semi-structured interviews, case studies, netnography, systematic analysis of web pages, and non-participant observation. In the second chapter, the 3 articles are presented. The first article (Wine and monasteries: Benedictine monasteries in Europe) is an initial study (based on the previous work done in the master's thesis), on the current relationship between wine, European Benedictine monasteries, and tourism. In the second publication (Gastronomy Tourism: a look at Benedictine Monastic Products in Europe) the elaboration of gastronomic products of the monastic orders that follow the Benedictine rule (Benedictines, Cistercians, Trappists, and Camaldoleans) is studied from a tourist perspective. Finally, the third article (Tourism management in monasteries: sustainability and monastic products (Boulaur Abbey) analyses the relationship of the Cistercian abbey of Boulaur with the management of tourist services and sustainability, especially in the field of gastronomic products. The first two articles are published and the third is submitted and pending review. The last chapter details the conclusions and future lines of research. In the conclusions, the results of the articles are synthesized, as well as the academic contributions made by this research. Also, it reflects on the limitations that occurred during these 4 years in which the research was developed and, finally, the possible future lines of research framed in studying areas similar to those presented in this doctoral thesis are explained ​
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