L'última herència. Anàlisi etimològic, genealògic i contextual del cognom Wangüemert des del segle XII fins a l'actualitat

Infurna Wangüemert, Carlo
The purpose of this research project is to build the genealogy of my family name Wangüemert, from the author of this work himself to his ancestors, and to present a clear methodology that could be used in some other similar projects. In addition, it has been studied the etymology of the surname and the genealogy of the branch as well, and it has been related to its historical and social context, trying to establish common patterns between what was happening in the world and what happened to the surname and their carriers. That relationship has been set out in individual sections of every member of the family, but it also has been summarized in family trees, timelines and genealogical tables at the end of each section./ individual member or character ​
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