Ramon Vinyes, Gabriel García Márquez y el Grupo de Barranquilla
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ENG- Colombian Nobel Prize winner Gabriel García Márquez paid tribute to the writer and literary Ramon Vinyes in the last chapters of his novel One Hundred Years of Solitude, the magnum opus of Latin American magical realism, calling him the «Catalan sage». This article explains the teaching that Vinyes exercised on the members of the Barran-quilla Group in the Colombian Caribbean, such as García Márquez himself, originating what has been called premacondismo and that in this work we also call pre magical real-ism; but he was also the mentor and intellectual guide of other authors of the im-portance in Colombian literature of Álvaro Cepeda Samudio, José Félix Fuenmayor and Javier Auqué Lara, son of Vinyes' partner, Xavier Auqué Masdeu, with whom he opened the famous bookstore Ramon Vinyes & Co. in Barranquilla(Colombia)
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