Untangling the roles of centrality and environmental contribution in diversity patterns across spatial scales
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The application of graph theory to metacommunity ecology allows a deeper analysis of the effect of network structure on diversity patterns. Here, we set out to test the role of network centrality metrics and environmental characteristics in diversity patterns of pond macroinvertebrate metacommunities. We tested two approaches to construct the networks: one used the percolation distance, whereas the other was based on a community-contingent distance. The role of each patch within the network was then analyzed using its centrality value. Later, we analyzed the relationships between the macroinvertebrate diversity and centrality metrics for four study sites. The calculated diversity metrics cover different facets of biodiversity at two scales: pond and pondscape. Environmental characteristics of the studied ponds were also included. All relationships were tested considering the entire macroinvertebrate dataset, but also differentiated by dispersal mode (i.e., active vs. passive) and considering the two types of network approaches analyzed. The results were mostly consistent when comparing the network approaches used. Centrality metrics tended to be positively related to alpha and negatively to beta diversity. Environmental uniqueness showed a positive effect on beta diversity metrics, regardless of the dispersal mode. We only observed a weak negative relationship between eutrophication and species richness of active dispersers. Pond size showed a positive effect on both alpha and beta diversity, but was detected more frequently on alpha diversity metrics. We could not find evidence for a clear negative effect of habitat degradation on diversity. We found a greater importance of environmental characteristics versus the centrality metrics for both alpha and beta diversity of active dispersers, while a combination of their contributions for passive dispersers. An unexpected importance of centrality was observed for alpha diversity of passive dispersers. Using empirical data, we demonstrate that the centrality of a patch in an undirected network affects diversity regardless of the approach used to construct the networks, with a higher influence at local scale regardless of the dispersal mode. This study broadens knowledge of the relationships between environmental features and network centrality, demonstrating the important role of centrality as a determinant of diversity in metacommunities