Fatty acids profile and DNA methylation in the placenta: prevention of cardiometabolic risk and obesity in childhood
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ENG- The increase in the prevalence of obesity worldwide over the past 50 years has led to obesity being considered the pandemic of the 21st century. Overweight and obesity are under scrutiny because the current pediatric population also shows high rates of obesity, which are closely linked to the early onset of cardiometabolic diseases such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease that can persist into adulthood.
Although this increase is generally associated with sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits, scientific evidence suggests that the predisposition to cardiometabolic diseases could be conditioned by stimuli received during pregnancy through fetal programming.
In this context, this thesis analyzes placental samples from a cohort of 114 mothers and their children to study possible mechanisms involved in fetal programming, and to identify potential placental markers related to the offspring's cardiometabolic risk. Specifically, the placental lipid and DNA methylation profiles were studied.
The results obtained provide evidence on the importance of the proportion of placental polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) omega-6 (n-6) and omega-3 (n-3) in the offspring's cardiometabolic risk, specifically the ratio between arachidonic acid (AA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). The AA/EPA ratio is positively associated with cardiometabolic risk parameters in the offspring at 6 years of age, such as weight, body mass index (BMI), fat mass percentage, visceral fat, and the insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR). Additionally, the associations of PUFAs with cardiometabolic risk parameters are predominant in placentas with higher levels of fatty acid transporters expression, which correspond to mothers with greater gestational weight gain (GWG).
Moreover, GWG has been associated with changes in placental DNA methylation profile, a mechanism that regulates gene activity through the presence or absence of chemical marks known as methyl groups. 104 differentially methylated positions related to gestational weight gain were found, corresponding to 97enes. In-depth study of 4 of these positions, corresponding to 3 genes (FRAT1, SNX5, and KCNK3), showed that they are related to cardiometabolic parameters in the offspring at 6 years of age, such as greater weight gain from birth, higher weight, higher BMI, higher waist-to-height ratio, and higher renal and visceral fat. These associations are also predominant in cases where mothers had excessive GWG.
Overall, this thesis highlights the role of the placenta in integrating stimuli received during pregnancy and its potential impact on programming cardiometabolic risk; it also identifies placental markers (n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio and DNA methylation) that could contribute to predicting children at higher risk of developing obesity and cardiometabolic alterations
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