Applications of supramolecular nanocapsules: regioselective functionalization of fullerenes and molecular recognition of endohedral metallofullerenes

Pujals Crusat, Míriam
Since the discovery of fullerenes and endohedral metallofullerenes (EMFs), these spheroidal carbon cages have attracted the attention of the scientific community due to their exceptional electronic and physicochemical properties. Bare fullerenes and mono-adducts are applied in many different fields, including material science, solar cell energy conversion and biomedical applications. However, broad use of fullerenes as poly-adducts is hampered by the uncontrolled regioselectivity during their functionalization and by the costly purification methods of fullerenes derivatives and EMFs. Metal-directed self-assembled nanocapsules have been used as supramolecular shadow masks to poly-functionalize fullerenes in an itero-, chemo- and regioselective fashion and, also, as supramolecular platforms to encapsulate selectively EMFs from soots or extracts. In this thesis, the scope of functionalization reactions of fullerenes when using supramolecular nanocapsules as templates has been widely extended and, moreover, new terbium-based endohedral fullerenes have been encapsulated selectively using the same family of nanocapsules ​
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