Guía de práctica clínica para la atención al paciente con esquizofrenia: consideraciones sobre su aplicación en población infantil y adolescente

Lalucat-Jo, Lluís
San Emeterio, Maite
Aymerich, Marta
Faus, Gustavo
Guillamón, Imma
Illa, Josep M.
Martínez Pastor, Carlos
Sánchez, Emilia
Sánchez, Ignasi
Teixidó, Mercè
An abridged version of the clinical practice guide for the care of the patient with schizoprhenia adapted to a child and adolescent population is presented. Its elaboration process, the general management lines of schizophrenia and the diferent types and contexts of intervention depending on the moment of the illness are discussed. Several considerations, clinical practice guide, childhood and adolescence ​
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