Análisis de las estrategias de marketing digital para el Park Güell = Analysis of digital marketing strategies for Park Güell

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Digital marketing has enhanced tourism promotion for destinations and attractions. In the era of broadband and globalisation, marketing is used to optimise both by improving visibility and creating added content and advertising value to transform potential customers into visitors and persuade them to visit specific sites and the cities where they are located. Urban tourist destinations such as Barcelona lead the way in this regard. The aim of this research is to analyse the marketing and social networks of Park Güell, and the strategy it has used to boost its tourism profile. The study uses both quantitative (population survey of the Barcelona metropolitan area) and qualitative techniques (in-depth interviews). The results show that marketing and content creation has improved the image projected by Park Güell. However, the overall findings indicate the need to modify the park's marketing content and create a marketing plan to ensure greater impact through its social networks ​
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