Calidad de vida en mujeres menopáusicas con disfunciones del suelo pélvico: proyecto de investigación

Gavín Jocyte, Vanessa
Pelvic floor dysfunctions are a common health problem that affects many women, affecting up to 25% of them in the US (1). Although the relationship between menopause and these dysfunctions has been the subject of debate in the scientific literature, numerous studies have shown their association. What is undeniable is its negative impact on the quality of life of the affected women. Therefore, menopausal women with pelvic floor dysfunctions are especially vulnerable to experiencing a lower perception of their quality of life compared to the general population. This fact highlights the importance of researching and thoroughly understanding this phenomenon in order to offer better prevention and treatment strategies, as well as improve the quality of life of affected women. Objective: The main objective of this study is to know the quality of life perceived by menopausal women with pelvic floor dysfunctions (PFD) in the health region of Girona. Methodology and methods: the study will be carried out during 2023 with menopausal women with pelvic floor dysfunctions who attend the pelvic floor unit of the Josep Trueta Hospital. It is an observational and cross-sectional study that will collect information about their quality of life using the PFIQ-20 questionnaire (Pelvic Floor Impact Questionnaire-20) ​
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