De Maistre a Salvini: evolució i anàlisi de la força d'ultradreta europea
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A new political crisis has arrived. The European Union is falling due to the appearance, in different countries, of several political parties that emphasize policies emphasizing nationalism and anti-migratory regulations. The new wave of far-right parties have arrived. That is the reason why my Research Project is entitled "From Maistre to Salvini, the new politics that is dooming Europe" and it is a current view of a new Europe with different rules. In this project, the theoretical part is an exhaustive analysis of the development of the far-right from the eighteenth to the twentieth century, examining its causes and consequences, including the interpretation of the different authors who developed all the ideological structure, from Louis de Bonald to Dietrich Eckart. In the practical part, I analyze all the different far-right parties across Europe such as the AfD (Germany), the Lega (Italy) or Vox (Spain), which are currently attempting to destroy the values of the European Union. This analysis studies ten European countries sorted by economic, social and political status (Spain, Italy, Great Britain, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Sweden, Holland, and Austria). I also included Portugal, a country without a substantial far- right political party, for comparative purposes