Regionalismo italiano y autonomía española: afinidades y diferencias. Comparación entre los sistemas territoriales de Italia y España, con particular referencia a la cuestión catalana y a la autonomía siciliana
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Based on the analysis of the Italian Republic and the Spanish monarchy, this work aims to investigate, from a comparative perspective, the characteristics of the regional model and the autonomous model, trying to individualize how these two countries have, at the same time, contemplated interests of
national unity maintaining, guaranteeing and valuing territorial specificities.
In the second part of this work, an analysis will be made of the peculiar cases related to the Catalan system and to Sicilian autonomy, reflecting how and with what legal means Spain and Italy have, on the one hand,
contrasted the separatist forces that were generated in Catalonia and Sicily, to seek a solution that takes into account “unique” situations, which deserve specific protection