A method for modelling arbitrarily shaped delamination fronts with large and distorted elements

The simulation of delamination in layered composites is currently limited for large structures. Typically, the use of Cohesive Zone Modelling leads to a requirement of keeping the elements smaller than 1.0 mm. As an alternative, this article presents an Energy Release Rate-based cohesive method enabling the use of elements significantly larger (up to 5 mm). A novel algorithm is presented to use the Virtual Crack Closure Technique with distorted elements not aligned with the delamination front. When the propagation criterion is met, a cohesive law is introduced to model the progressive crack growth along the newly created crack surface, ensuring to dissipate the correct amount of energy. The method is validated for different propagation tests. Notably, Double Cantilever Beam and End-Notched Flexure tests are accurately modelled with large and distorted elements. Finally, a partially reinforced DCB test demonstrates the ability of the method in representing an evolving delamination front ​
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