Política institucional de Recursos Educatius Oberts (REO) = Política institucional de Recursos Educativos Abiertos (REA)

Universitat de Girona
Institutional policy of Open Educational Resources (OER) of the University of Girona, approved by the Governing Council in ordinary session no. 06/2024, of 20 May 2024. The University of Girona has been committed to open access since it signed the Berlin Declaration on open access to knowledge in the sciences and humanities in 2010. In 2020 UNESCO publishes guidelines for the development of open educational resources policies, where it defines OER as “teaching, learning and research materials that use appropriate tools, such as open licenses, to allow its free reuse, continuous improvement and adaptation by third parties for educational purposes”. In these guidelines, UNESCO considers that universal access to quality education is fundamental to create inclusive knowledge societies and to achieve objective 4, "to guarantee inclusive, equitable and quality education and to promote lifelong learning opportunities", from the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. The UdG university community uses, creates, and publishes a wide range of teaching and learning materials. These materials can be notes, class materials, videos, teaching guides, courses, assessment exercises, exams, assessment tests, simulations and MOOC materials, among others, which are likely to become educational resources open. This policy encourages the UdG university community to create and publish teaching and learning materials as open educational resources (OER), and to reuse and adapt existing OER and open-licensed resources created within and outside the University, always that are relevant, fit for purpose and used in accordance with the terms of the license ​
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