Protección y conservación de especies animales: responsabilidad del Estado Colombiano

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This research studies the main paradigms that arise in the relationship between human and non-human animals in the Colombian legal system and the national and international legal instruments that are used for the categorization of animals threatened with extinction. It also establishes the institutional duties and obligations of the administrative and legislative authorities, control bodies and individuals with regard to the protection and conservation of species. The above, through a thorough documentary review that allowed the analysis of the normative, constitutional, legal, regulatory contents, international instruments and the jurisprudence of the Colombian Council of State and the Constitutional Court, without leaving aside the doctrinal contributions in this regard. The results show that the collective right category of protection and conservation species protection and conservation species allows through the popular action and administrative mechanisms are protected threatened species. However, once the extinction of an animal species occurs (which we classify as pure and irreversible ecological damage), there are difficulties for the imputation of a State liability regime, among other reasons due to the multi-causality. Now, from the point of view of international environmental law, insufficient progress has been made with respect to the category of liability provided for in Article 14.2 of the Convention on Biological Diversity; however, from the jurisprudential point of view, in Colombia there are elements that can be a beacon of light on the matter ​
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