Una ecoética para el siglo XXI: la preocupación de José Ferrater Mora por la naturaleza

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José Ferrater Mora has been recognized as one of the most original and difficult to categorize thinkers of the 20th century. A tireless and restless intellectual, he was interested in a multitude of fields of knowledge —ontology, epistemology, language, exile, ethics, aesthetics— producing a vast theoretical work that his well-known Diccionario de Filosofía and his academic and essayistic literary production illustrate in particular, despite his exile during the Franco regime. He also experimented with novels, photography and cinema, and participated in the first animal activism actions in the United States. This work deals with his pioneering contributions in Applied Ethics to the Spanish philosophical field, influenced by Priscilla Cohn, especially in the study of Animal Ethics and Environmental Ethics and their dialogue in a broader framework of concern for Nature that derives from his particular ontological conception and integrationist methodology. This concern is framed in the line of social trends and anthropocentric and non-anthropocentric Western Ethics and it is explored incipiently, to what extent his thought could provide some theoretical keys to address the current challenging ecosocial context ​
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