La tecnocràcia: una amenaça o una oportunitat per a la democràcia?

Alútiz Tarragó, Bernat
Nowadays our society has slowly moved towards the values of science. It is common for us to hear a scientist and immediately agree with him, as we know he has done a career in depth and that he has a strong criteria to affirm what he or she says. Knowing that one of the main principles of science is searching for the absolute truth, we could say that a government of scientists (technocracy) would give us the perfect way of governing if these propositions are followed. But, even though it sounds like an ideal straightforward solution at first, this is not as easy as it might sound because there are many more things we have to take into account than just the “truth”. This report aims to investigate the concept of technocracy through history and modern politics so as to discover if it is as efficient as the main impression gives and if it is possible to implement it at some degree without destroying our democracy ​
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