la lntegración de las TIC en el proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje en la modalidad en línea

García Chávez, Arelys
Ortiz García, Thalía
This article comments on the experience of a training course developed with teachers from the Experimental Sciences Education (ECE) course at the National University of Education (UNAE), which analyzes the integration of Information and Communication Technologies in the Teaching-Learning Process in the Online modality. Using the actionresearch method to transform the reality of these teachers, based on the collaborative work of the subjects involved, a course was designed and developed with the 10 ECE career teachers, which allowed the design of quality virtual classrooms, with a variety of resources from the Moodle Platform, creatively designed, with activities that promote interaction between participants and evaluations, which allow the development of the Teaching-Learning Process of the different subjects with the quality required during the Online modality ​
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