Análisis de la eficiencia de la banca pública del Ecuador. Una propuesta basada en la estimación no paramétrica

Institutions face an increasingly dynamic environment, as they seek to optimize resources based on technological innovation. As a result of the Ecuadorian banking crisis in the 1990s, controls had to be intensified in terms of regulations and efficiency levels improved to become engines of the market economy and provide better levels of service to their customers. This research work has the main purpose of knowing the efficiency of public banking in Ecuador for a period 2008 - 2020, with three main banks that make up development banking, efficiency has been estimated using the non-parametric method with the technique of Data Envelopment Analysis from the perspective of the DEA-CCR in a multiplicative and enveloping way. For this, it is important to review the regulations and legislation of the Ecuadorian banking sector, in addition to knowing the financial structure of public banking that gave rise to the conformation of variables for the model, taking into account the current literature of previous studies, which have been applied in several countries in financial institutions. The main results that in the analyzed period 2008-2020, the behavior of efficiency in the three public banks analyzed remains constant, that is, the State Bank and the National Financial Corporation reach the efficiency level of one, not so BanEcuador whose results show levels of inefficiency below one. The efficiency levels of BanEcuador except for the years 2008 and 2016 with 0.54.00 and 0.51 respectively, are below the 0.50 efficiency level, being the years 2015, 2017 and 2020 with lower efficiency levels in 0 .36: 0.37 and 0.35 respectively. On average, the efficiency of BanEcuador in the period 2008 to 2020 reaches 0.43, which suggests generating adequate management in the inputs and outputs analyzed, especially in the management of fixed assets and operating expenses ​
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